Q: What is Ganesha Pancharatnam?
A: It is an extremely powerful and at the same time melodious devotional hymn composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century AD. It is meant to be sung daily with devotion, early in the morning. By doing so, the worshiper will be blessed with a good life (as explained in the last para of the prayer).This stotra is highly popular in the south Indian states and enjoys a revered status in the field of Art; namely amongst classical singers, Bharatnatyam dancers as well as Ganesha devotees. This stotra is considered magical and highly potent in granting the wish of the devotee. In this blog post, I have translated the stotra from sanskrit to english along with transliteration of the lengthy sanskrit words into short english ones for better understanding.
Did you know?
Q: When was Ganesha Pancharatnam written?
A: Sri Adi Shankaracharya composed it in the 8th century AD.
Q: In which ancient Hindu scripture is this prayer recorded?
A: Ganesha Pancharatnam is recorded as a Stotra in Mudgala Purana, an ancient Hindu scripture. The sanskrit words are tough for the layman to pronounce but with practise and continuous repetition, soon it becomes evident, how melodious the arrangement of the words is! One cannot help but notice the beauty of the words and their amazing placement. The words are pleasingly smooth and musical to the ear. The first five paras are in praise of Lord Ganesha and the last para expounds the virtue of singing this stotra everyday, thereby pleasing the Lord. The word ‘Pancharatnam’ means five jewels and rightly so. By the very nature of their poetic, mellifluous elements, the words of this hymn are nothing short of gems.
Sri Ganesha
मुदाकरात्तमोदकं सदा विमुक्तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदैत्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥१॥
Mudaa-Karaatta-Modakam | Sadaa | Vimukti-Saadhakam
Kalaa-Dhara-Avatamsakam | Vilaasi-Loka-Rakshakam
Anaayakai[a-E]ka-Naayakam | Vinaashitebha-Daityakam
Nata-Ashubha-Ashu-Naashakam | Namaami | Tam |Vinaayakam ||1||
1.1: (Ganesha) Who holds the divine joy in His hand as modaka (a sweetmeat) and who always strives to accomplish the liberation of His devotees towards that ultimate joy,
1.2: Who holds the digit of the moon as His ornament and with a joyful spirit protects the world,
1.3: Who is without any master but is Himself the only master for His devotees, and protects them by destroying the (inner) demons,
1.4: To those who surrender to Him, He destroys the inauspicious tendencies quickly; I salute Sri Vinayaka and surrender to Him.
नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्कभास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्धरम् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ॥२॥
Nate[a-I]tara-Ati-Bhiikaram | Navo[a-U]dita-Arka-Bhaasvaram
Namat-Sura-Ari-Nir-Jaram | Nata-Adhika-Apad-Uddharam |
Sure[a-Ii]shvaram | Nidhi-[I]ishvaram | Gaje[a-Ii]shvaram | Ganne[a-Ii]shvaram
Mahe[a-Ii]shvaram | Tama-Ashraye | Paraatparam | Nir-Antaram ||2||
2.1: To those who do not bow down to God out of arrogance, He takes a frightening form; His benign form is like a newly-risen sun,
2.2: (Ganesha) Who is always fresh without any decay, and is saluted reverentially by the devas and the devoted persons; Who releases those who surrender to Him from distressing crises,
2.3: Who is the God of the devas (Sureshvara), Who is the God of prosperity (Nidhishvara), Who is the God with an elephant face (Gajeshvara) and Who is the God of the ganas (celestial attendants) (Ganeshvara),
2.4: Who is the Great God (Maheshvara); To His refuge, Who is superior than the best, I continually place myself in devotional surrender.
समस्तलोकशंकरं निरस्तदैत्यकुञ्जरं
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभवक्त्रमक्षरम् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ॥३॥
Samasta-Loka-Shamkaram | Nirasta-Daitya-Kun.jaram
Dare[a-I]taro[a-U]daram | Varam | Varebha-Vaktram-Aksharam |
Krpaa-Karam | Kshamaa-Karam | Mudaa-Karam | Yashas-Karam
Manas-Karam | Namas-Krtaam | Namas-Karomi | Bhaasvaram ||3||
3.1: (Ganesha) Who is the auspicious power behind all the worlds and who removes the mighty (inner) demons,
3.2: Whose huge body signifies prosperity and boon-giving and whose most excellent face reflects His imperishable nature.
3.3: Who showers grace (Kripakara), who showers forgiveness (Kshamakara), who showers joy (Mudakara) and who showers glory (Yashaskara) to His Devotees,
3.4: Who bestows intelligence and wisdom (Manaskara) to those who salute Him with reverence; I salute His shining form.
अकिंचनार्तिमार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्तिभाजनं
पुरारिपूर्वनन्दनं सुरारिगर्वचर्वणम् ।
प्रपञ्चनाशभीषणं धनंजयादिभूषणम्
कपोलदानवारणं भजे पुराणवारणम् ॥४॥
Akinchana-[A]arti-Maarjanam | Chirantano[a-U]kti-Bhaajanam
Pura-Ari-Puurva-Nandanam | Sura-Ari-Garva-Charvannam |
Prapan.cha-Naasha-Bhiishannam | Dhananjaya-[A]adi-Bhuushannam
Kapola-Daana-Vaarannam | Bhaje | Puraanna-Vaarannam ||4||
4.1:(Ganesha) Who wipes out the sufferings of the needy who take His refuge; Who is the receptacle of the words of praises of the ancients,
4.2: Who is the former son (the first son; second being Kartikeya) of the enemy of Tripurasuras (i.e. Lord Shiva who killed the demon king, Tripurasur), and Who chews down the pride and arrogance of the enemies of the devas (who signify exceptional inner qualities),
4.3: Who wields terrible power to destroy the delusion of the five elements constituting the world (from the mind of His devotees); Who Himself is adorned with the powers (behind the five elements) like Fire etc,
4.4: From Whose cheeks flow down the juice of grace; Salutations to Him Whose praise similarly flows down like juice from the Puranas.
अचिन्त्यरूपमन्तहीनमन्तरायकृन्तनम् ।
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां
तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम् ॥५॥
Achintya-Ruupam-Anta-Hiinam-Antaraaya-Krntanam |
Hrd-Antare | Nirantaram | Vasantam-Eva | Yoginaam
Tam-Eka-Dantam-Eva | Tam | Vichintayaami | Santatam ||5||
5.1: (Ganesha) Whose beautiful form of Ekadanta (one tooth) is very much dear to His devotees, and Who is the son of the One (referring to Lord Shiva) Who put an end to (i.e. restrained) Antaka (i.e. Yama, god of death).
5.2: Whose essential form is inconceivable and without any limit, and which cuts through the obstacles of His devotees,
5.3: Who continually abides in the cave of the heart of the yogis.
5.4: I continually reflect upon Him, the Ekadanta (another name of Sri Vinayaka).
महागणेशपञ्चरत्नमादरेण योऽन्वहं
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् ।
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां
समाहितायुरष्टभूतिमभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात् ॥६॥
Mahaa-Gannesha-Pan.cha-Ratnam-Aadarenna | Yo[ah-A]nvaham
Prajalpati | Prabhaatake | Hrdi | Smaran | Ganne[a-Ii]shvaram |
Arogataam-Adoshataam | Su-Saahitiim | Su-Putrataam
Samaahita-Ayur-Ashtta-Bhuutim-Abhy-Upai[a-E]ti | So[ah-A]chiraat ||6||
6.1:Those who Read the Great Ganesha Pancharatnam (five Jewels in praise of Sri Ganesha) with devotion
6.2: And utter this in the early morning contemplating on Sri Ganeshvara in their hearts
6.3: Will get free from diseases and vices, will get good spouses and good sons
6.4: And with it he/she will get long life and the eight powers soon.
1. Sri Adi Shankaracharya bibliography. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shankara_bibliography
2. Ganesha Panchratnam
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